

Monday, February 23, 2009

Leaver vs. Leavee

My husband and child left yesterday on a plane to NC. This marks Dolly's 8th trip via airplane and he might very well just be the most air-traveled tot under 2. Who knows?

I realized that it's much harder to be left than it is to leave. When I went to Brooklyn sans kid, it was a dream. I left with a smile on my face and relished the time I had with my friend in NY.

When I dropped the fellas off yesterday morning at the airport, I was very, very sad. Returning home to an empty (devoid of human occupants--4-legged occupants were present) and quiet house was startling. I'm used to having at least 2 stereos going, for Dolly is very much into listening to music. Ok, he's very much into pushing buttons and turning knobs and somehow the stereos in this house satisfy that need. So, normally, I'm listening to Fleetwood Mac, Mitch Hedburg and OutKast on one stereo and Peter and the Wolf or The Wiggles on another.

But now....silence.

I have to admit that I was the one who arranged for it to be quiet in my home. Over a month ago, when I was in the throes of pregnancy fatigue, I called my mother-in-law and asked (nearly pleaded) that she keep my son for the 3 days that Brian would be in NC taking the NC Bar. She gleefully accepted and I counted down the days. So, my son is currently in NC with his Grammy and Grampy having a wonderful time, or so I'm told, going up and down the stairs in their home.

And here I sit listening to Jodie snore.

I have enjoyed both mornings of being able to get out of bed on my terms. I've enjoyed being able to leave drinks, food, my computer laying anywhere around the house. It's been nice not to have to tidy up, rounding up the thousands of balls that comprise my son's toy collection and placing said balls in their respective machines, pit or box. It's nice not to step on little toy zebras, cows, pigs. I love not having to worry about meal planning. I hate meal planning. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

But, I miss the chatter, the squeals. I miss how Jacob brings me a book and then gets right by my knees and turns around, waiting for me to pick him up and put him on my lap so that we can read the book and oooohhhh and aaaahhhh over the pictures. I miss him holding up his sippy cup and saying to me, "All gone" and I miss him running to the ice maker saying, "iiiiiice, iiiiice."

I miss a lot...a lot more than I thought I would.

So, I will work these next couple of days until they return on Thursday. We certainly need the extra money and I need to keep my sanity.

Oh, and for you bad guys out there that read my blog, don't even think about breaking into my home since my big and strong husband is gone. I have a dog whose breath will bring you to your knees and then my cat will dismember you like the the mole that he left for me on my patio 2 nights ago.

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