

Monday, February 16, 2009

2 weeks

2 weeks from today, at this time, I will know the gender of my next child. What's that you say? Am I pregnant? Why, yes, I am. 17 weeks pregnant, to be exact. Due at the end of July. I haven't announced it until this point for several reasons, with the biggest reason being because I've miscarried 2 times, with the last incident at 8 weeks in September. And, it's just not a lot of fun telling people this happy, fun news and then having to say, "About that pregnancy thing...."

I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I realized the other day that I've been pregnant every year since 2006. So, yeah, I've been pregnant 4 times. Crazy, huh? This will undoubtedly be the last...I'm ready to have my body back and to get on with being a family. I'm not excited about being attached to a breast pump for the next year but 'dems 'da breaks, as my husband would say.

So, am I hoping for a boy or girl? Good question. Here are my thoughts: Certainly, it'd be nice to have a girl. I already have a boy, so a girl would nicely complete a family and I would surely enjoy learning about the mother-daughter bond. The thing is, though, I get nervous at the thought of having a girl. I haven't had a girl and so I think, "What would I do with a girl? She will NOT have bows in her hair nor will she wear frilly dresses; probably won't even wear pink. Her hair will be kept short and she will be required to play in the dirt. So, might as well have another boy."

Also, it'd be reeeeeeal convenient to have another boy. I have all the necessary "boy" things: clothes, toys-things like that. And I can't help but think that same-sex siblings would get along better than their opposite-sex siblings counterparts, but I don't know this for sure (may need to research this).

As far as family goes, I think everyone's hoping for a girl. And it's weird because with Jacob, I was fairly certain that he was a boy. With this one, not sure at all. Sometimes I think in terms of a girl and other times I think it's a boy. So, it will be a surprise, either way.

Sooooooo, I'll be in touch about baby news in 2 weeks!!


The Diamonds said...

Congrats on baby #2. Being the mother of a girl I can tell you there is nothing to fear. The only difference in the beginning is that you can change a diaper and not have to worry about covering anything up. Either way I know it will join a family of love. I can't wait to hear more details.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! How exciting! Can't wait to hear the sonogram results. Keep us posted and we will keep you all in our thoughts are prayers. Jacob is so cute! You all will be an awesome family of 4. I think it is a girl, for the record! :) But she won't be prissy at all.

Kat said...

I, for one, can't wait to meet your gender-norm defying baby girl!