

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I've fooled you all!!

It's true. You all think I have the happiest, most beautiful child ever. This is partly true. He does have my devastatingly good looks.
Much to my dismay, however, he has his father's disposition. Read: He is not a happy-go-lucky baby; he's moody!
I know, I know, this is shocking! But it's true and I've decided, from this day forward, I will no longer make excuses for my son's (and I guess my husband's, too) somber, sullen affect. The kid is fussy ALL the time. And no, like I've led many of you to believe, it's not because he's tired, hungry, teething, sporting a double ear infection or upset by subprime-mortgage lending. No, he's fussy because that's who he is.
Don't get me wrong, he has moments where he shrieks with laughter, smiles ear to ear. But these aren't the norm. He will let you know on no uncertain terms that he will NOT be content to play on the floor with several toys, no matter how novel or noisy they may be. Nope. You must carry him around with you while you feed the dogs, make the bed, wash clothes or cook dinner (not that I cook dinner, but if I did, he'd need to be right there on my hip).

I have no doubt that, like Brian, this kid's going to be brilliant, suave, sensitive, charming, cool under pressure. I mean, Brian did pretty well for himself, especially in the wife department, considering his moodiness. It has to be said, however, that Brian's eyelashes have played a pivotal role on many occasions in helping me forget about being utterly exasperated with him. So, the question remains: Will Jacob batting his pretty eyelashes bode well for him as it does his dad? Will those long, thick, wispy hairs make me forget about the ache in my left bicep?
They already have. As it is with his dad, I am utterly enchanted by him, moodiness and all!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

looking for a job

because jacob enjoys the finer things in life (biter biscuits, avocados, stuffed animals), brian and i have decided that he needs to get a job in order to support his tastes. we can no longer afford these high-dollar items on our tight budget. so, jacob and i spoke and it's been decided that jacob will go into modeling. we've yet to procure an agent, so we wanted to post his amateur head shots in the hopes that you, the reader, will pass these along to those legitimate talent agents that you may know.

let's begin with his safe, cute looks. as the person behind the lens, it's my job to give jacob direction during our photo shoots. in these pictures, i suggested that he think of bluebirds and butterflies.
next, i wanted something harsher, something that depicts the duality of man. thus, i asked him to channel his inner tony soprano. here's what i got:

not bad, huh? he takes direction well.

next are his more seductive, come hither poses:

i wanted to experiment and see if he could pull off posing with others, particularly those of different generations.

here are the shots with the older generations:

now shots with younger, more youthful generations:

since photo shoots can be a grueling process, i decided to allow jacob some freedom to express himself artistically. you can imagine how silly that process became:
here he is on his 10 minute break:

so, keep jacob's portfolio in mind, won't you? it is vitally important, to him, that he keep a large cache of baby mum-mum's and cheerios. he can't do this without your help!

Friday, April 11, 2008


here are some of the first pictures ever taken of jacob...it's hard to believe he was ever that small.