

Friday, June 27, 2008


Jacob has a large and diverse repository of friends:

his cool cousin, Macie,
businessman William

and rocker Alex.
And the ladies:

lovely Lanie,

lean Lauren

and Little-Bo-Peep Marissa.

All of these relationships pale in comparison to the love between Jacob and his BFF:


Ahhhh, Roomba!!. How Jacob loves thee.

But Roomba can be a fickle friend. Here, Jacob goes to greet Roomba. A friendly "Hello", if you will. And then watch how Roomba abandons him, leaving Jacob to crawl after him.

This next footage is not suitable for the weak-at-heart, those with pacemakers or IBS. What you are about to see is horrendous, heart-breaking. Roomba leaves Jacob in the lurch.

All's fair in love and war. Roomba does take a lot of patting and climbing on from Jacob.

I guess that's what friendships are all about: give and take.

There this one friend, though, that Jacob just can't seem to get along with. Ok. Jacob downright hates him. Who? This guy:

Looks like a jerk, doesn't he? To be honest, everyone in the toy box has problems with guy. Dog-in-the-tractor-guy just thinks that he's soooooo cool. I mean, he's a bully. Watch here as Jacob and Roomba are trying to play, and Dog-in-the-tractor-guy keeps butting in. Soooo obnoxious.

He's got this holier-than-thou attitude just because he can go fast. Well, enough is enough. Here, Jacob's decided he's not going to take it anymore. I don't usually condone violence, but I told Jacob to pick up and throw Dog-in-the-tractor-guy next time he bothers him and Roomba. And that's exactly what happened.

Maybe that's the wrong thing to teach a child. I mean, I don't go throwing Brian every time he annoys me. That'd be too tiring. I guess we should be working on conflict resolution. Yeah, I need to re-think my approach with Jacob and Dog-in-the-tractor-guy. Anybody out there have suggestions on how to reason with two things that don't possess reasoning capabilities? I'm all ears.

In the meantime, Jacob will focus his affections on Roomba. All's right with the world when Roomba's around.

1 comment:

Sarah. said...

That Jacob sure does have some pretty cool-lookin' friends. Especially that Alex - what a stud-muffin.

Too cute with the Roomba. Yeah, that wouldn't go over so well in our house. Alex is petrified of the vacuum and Murphy just wants to eat it. Btw, Jacob, way to tell that pesky Dog-in-the-tractor guy what's up.