

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big Wheels Keep On Turnin'

The kid is utterly fascinated with trucks, cars and wheels. The bigger the vehicle, the bigger the response. God help him if he sees a semi. You'd think he was having a heart attack. He points as hard as he can and says, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" and will continue to make the exclamation until you acknowledge him.

When we go walking around the neighborhood, he runs up to all the vehicles, especially trucks, points at their wheels and says, "Wheel, Wheel" over and over until, again, you acknowledge the wheel. He comes home with grimy, greasy hands from molesting unsuspecting cars and trucks parked in driveways.

On one of our most recent walks, he saw a truck to beat all trucks parked in a driveway. I didn't see it at first, but I could tell judging by his emphatic "Whoas!" that it was an impressive truck. And, boy, was it! It was a giant Penske moving truck. We spent a good 30 minutes walking around the truck, over and over, pointing out the wheels and hubcaps and making sure to touch all the lights.

So, today, what should he get in the mail but a toy NY City cab from Grandpaula!! He freaked out while I took it out of it's bubble wrapping, and once he got his little hands on it, he's yet to put it down! He has driven it over every surface in the house, every surface outside and in the car. He's figured out how to open the trunk and the doors. He sat with it while we read our 2 stories before bed and he was so reluctant to part with it upon night-night time that I let him take it to bed with him.
(the mismatched shoes were his idea) Good job, Grandpaula!! You sent the perfect toy at the perfect time!! Sadly, I'm going to confiscate it and keep it hidden until Wednesday, when we're on the plane headed to NC. Isn't that awful?? But hey, a girl's gotta do......

(Oh, and thanks for the Biscoffs! They should get me through the evening.)

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