Sunday, July 27, 2008
What a find!
Jacob enjoyed the set for all of 4 minutes. After he had patted every inch of the plastic house, steering wheel, swing, and bridge, after I so gingerly helped him down the slide,
he decided he preferred the grass.
Guess my $15 would have been better spent on a bag of Kentucky Bluegrass.
Baked Beans
Thursday, July 24, 2008
We've been at the Beach
After a solid nights sleep, we all loaded up in the van and made the 5hr. trek to the beach. It was supposed to only take 4hrs. but with all the stopping for food, candy, potty breaks, etc., not to mention the horrendous Myrtle Beach traffic, it took for freakin' ever to get there. Wanna know the difference between a 5yr.-old and an 11-month-old on a long trip? Here's your answer:
According to Brian and Grampy, Jacob took his first steps. I'm skeptical, though, because they were the only ones who witnessed this big event in a room full of people. But they swear to it, much like those who swear to seeing Big Foot or Fang Boy. You kinda just look at them and verbally pat them on the head by saying, "Sure you did. Yep. I bet it was really amazing to see that." So, now, Brian and Jacob have this "walking date" they call it where Jacob attempts to "walk" to Brian. I don't consider it walking because Jacob takes like, one, step and then kinda falls forward. Brian then catches him and looks up at me, smiling, like, "Did you see THAT!" I always smile and say, "Yeah, I did, honey. Wow! He's really close to bi-pedling on his own, huh? And he owes it all to you and your walking dates! Good work, Dad." Then I turn away and roll my eyes. The kid's going to walk when I say so. That's how it's going to work in this house! I have decided that he's allow to stand independently for, say, 15-20 seconds at a time now and then in a couple of weeks, I'll allow him to take some steps. If he cleans his room, that is.
Jacob and I decided to surprise my parents and Grandmom with a quick trip up to Carolina Beach. Grandpa was in on the surprise. You can imagine Grandma's surprise to see Jacob standing in her living room floor unannounced. You can imagine Jacob's surprise to see Grandma in just a towel. Turns out Grandma had just gotten out of the shower. Mom, you can thank me later for not posting that pic.
Later in the week, Mike was nice enough to take family pictures of Brian, Jacob and me. He did a great job! Probably because he had such awesome subjects to shoot.
The best thing that came out of this beach trip? Jacob and dog-in-the-tractor-guy became friends. I guess they worked out their differences.We finished off the week with a family picture and headed back to good 'ol Arkansas. Sure enjoyed our trip!! Thanks, Mike and Nancy!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
My kid wants to party all the time...
The summer kicked off with pool party at the Holiday Inn in downtown Fort Smith.
The highlight of this party goes something like this: Brian takes the large, black diaper bag to the restroom and changes out of his swim trunks while all the girls, and Jacob, awaited the pizza. Brian returns to the room, dressed as shown below, toting the large, black diaper bag. As he walks in, the birthday-girl's grandmother announces, "Hey, girls! The Pizza Guy's here!" She thought Brian was the pizza guy!! I love it!! Razorback Pizza Delivers!!
Our next shindig takes us to a backyard pool party. The water was a wee bit cold for Jacob's taste,
so he spent time hanging out with dad on the sidelines.In this pic, Brian's giving me a look because I tried to gently encourage Jacob to enjoy the brisk water by making him sit down in the kiddie wading pool. It didn't go over well and Brian spent the next several minutes calming down our son. I think I heard him say to Jacob as he was comforting him, "It's ok, son. She does crap like that to me. Like when I'm scared to pick up a cricket in the house and put it outside, she forces me to touch it. It makes me cry, too. So, it's ok. She means well. I think that she's just trying to toughen us up. She doesn't want us to be mamby-pambys. So, if you think about it in those terms, she's actually doing us a favor. You know, we should thank her in some way. Hmmmm....I know!! Let's clean the house for her!! Yeah, she'd love that!!"
Well, I didn't hold my breath. House is still dirty, floor is still dirty, as evidenced by the blackened feet of my 10-month-old after he takes a couple of laps around the house with his trusty chair.
Next, we have the Fun 4th Celebration with the Dean's. It had been several months since we'd hung out with our closest friends and we were amazed at William's ability to balance objects on his head.
Last time we saw him, this was just a burgeoning talent. But man, he's got it down! He taught Jacob his cool trick.
Then, of course, Jacob had to up the ante. He was like, "Hey, William. I can balance 2 of these rings on my head while gnawing on this here ball. When you're 10-months-old, you'll be able to do this, too." Just like a guy.Dean was voted "Guitar Hero", not so much for his Guitar Hero skills but because of his pretty Hawaiian shirt.
Then we took the requisite 43 since-we're-all-together,-let's-take-some-pictures-of-all-of-us-with-the-cool-timer-option-on-the-camera pictures. You know what I'm talking about. The pictures where it's really funny at first to squeeze everyone together and you get a big kick out of being close to the person next to you to the point that you kinda become giddy. And! Presto! The 1st timer pic. is born!
Then, you take 15 more and it just gets kinda dumb.And finally, your son gets bored and refuses to look at the camera but the Dean's are still into it.Yeah, you know the process. Happens every time we're with the Dean's.
Anyway, I wanted to show you footage of how well it goes over when the Simpson's announce that they must leave the party. Here, Jacob tells William that we have to hit the road. Watch how he takes the disappointing news.
We're used to this reaction by now. I mean, it happens every time we leave. So, Jacob's decided that when it's time for the Simpson's to leave, he's going to give the people one more show. He calls it the Wiggles Dance:
It works, too, because we keep getting invites. So, the moral of the story is: give the people what they want---Jacob dancing---and your summer will be fraught with parties, too!!