.....Flights, Fights, Family and Freakin' Raisinets....Jacob and I made our second solo flight to North Carolina to visit with my parents. The flight to Charlotte, North Carolina yielded a very squirmy kid and a diaper leak of the worst kind. Fortunately, Jacob and I sat beside a very understanding gentleman and then we had a nice, long layover that afforded us the opportunity to make a complete wardrobe change. The flight from Charlotte to Wilmington yielded this:

We were met by my mom who whisked us away to the fire station so that Jacob could see his Grandpa, whom he hadn't seen since December. In true Grandpa style, he put Jacob right to work:

Jacob got reacquainted with Rocky, Sadie and Walter:
The dogs seemed to enjoy the extra morsels of food that Jacob littered throughout the house!
Jacob then decided that he wanted to take a ride on Grandma's motorcycle:

Grandma and Grandpa, of course, told Jacob no, citing safety reasons. In an attempt to get his mind off the motorcycle ride, Grandma suggested that Jacob try his hand at fishing:
He took the bait (puns are great fun!) and he spent the rest of the afternoon waiting on bites.
Since my parents live at the beach, Grandma and I decided we needed some beach shots of the little man. Sadly, we were not able to get any. It seems that a fight was taking place on the beach between several drunk 20-year-olds. Being the hero that I am, I broke up the fight, while my mom got into an altercation with a police officer. Not the most pleasant of outings.
So, when we arrived home, Jacob decided that he just wanted to sit back, relax and smell, uh, taste the flowers....:

....climb a tree or two....:

...and enjoy a cool, crisp Saltine:

I couldn't help but notice that Jacob continued to ask for Saltines. It wasn't until after the 3rd one that I realized that he might have a Saltine addiction. After watching the hit A&E show Intervention, I knew what to do. I immediately removed all the Saltines from the house, (he was somewhat bewildered by my actions):
and staged an intervention. I proceeded to remind him of all that he's accomplished and asked that he remember life before Saltines. I pointed out that his affinity for Saltines is affecting his relationship with his family. Tearfully, I implored him to accept help. He did:

After all the tears were dry, he and Grandpa settled in to watch some T.V.:

As it does, time flew. We all said our good-byes and Grandpa dropped Jacob and me off at the airport.
As the final boarding call was heard ringing over the airport intercom, I began to hastily gather all the thousands of items that one must pack in a carry-on bag when flying with an infant.
Ok. We're ready to board! But wait. Why is Jacob smiling?
He doesn't often do that. Does he know something I don't? Have I forgotten something? Do I look funny scurrying about? No matter because no time! We must board.
As I pick up my child to place him in the stroller, I am overcome with an all-to-familiar aroma. Yep, you guessed it! Poopy diaper. What a dilemma.
Do I now unpack all our belongings and search for the diapers and wipes? Do I just endure the stench for the duration of the flight? It's a short flight but the layover in Charlotte is short and what about the other passengers? Should I put them through this? Could this smell cause the oxygen masks to deploy? No, I have to change it now!
So, the quickest most cursory diaper change was underway!!
I did it!! We made it!!
We then sat on the plane on the runway for 30 minutes and my child produced yet another horrible mess in his pants. For those Labyrinth fans, we're talking Bog of Eternal Stench! So, yes, I was that rude passenger changing a poopy diaper on the seat of the plane. Sorry....
On the flight from Charlotte to Fayetteville, Arkansas, Jacob fell asleep in my arms. Those of you who are parents know that this is one of the sweetest events! After I was sure that he was sleeping soundly, I became excited about the prospect of eating the Raisinets that I purchased in the Charlotte airport. I was most excited about eating these unassisted by an 8-and-a-half-month-old.
I slowly reached for the package in the diaper bag, careful to move as fluidly as possible. It took me several tries to actually grab the Raisinet bag but once I felt that cool, crinkley plastic with the jagged edges, I secretly rejoiced! I pulled the bag out slowly, careful not to disturb the toys that make noise. I used the jagged edges to slice the bag open and then....
....the jewels just started pouring out onto the floor. I jumped, grabbing at the bits of my snack.
Please don't let all of them fall.
But when I did, he awoke. Not a sleepily awakening; the kind where they rub their eyes and look around while adjusting to the light and surroundings. No, not that one. This was the one where they awake well before they're ready and they are furious! They're not interested in your shushes or the fact that your luscious candy is now strewn about the cabin floor. Nope. They want to go back to sleep and they want everyone to know!
I was successful in getting him to go back to sleep but not without looks, advice and comments. And he slept the entire flight home. But I was not successful in salvaging my Raisinets. In fact, somewhere in the sky right now is an airplane with tons and tons of Raisinets smushed into the carpet. Seat 14F, to be exact.
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