

Thursday, May 13, 2010

3/29/10=8 months, 4/29/10=9 months

Let's face it: I'm a bad mom. I can't believe I haven't given Andrew nearly the face-time on this here blog as I gave Jacob. It's not because I'm lazy and just hangin' out all day. Nooooo, I'm so busy and have very little time to myself. Sadly, what time I do have I spend cultivating my guilty pleasure: America's Next Top Model cycles 1-4. Oh, and I don't know who won last night, so don't tell me.
Anyway, I have 2 part-time gigs, in addition to my 2 full-time gigs. I have been doing contract work for the Multiple Sclerosis Society and I have also been helping my father-in-law with his bookstore and publishing company. Maybe I'm not so horrible after all.

Enough about me, though, let's talk about Captain A. Andrew, that is. He's wonderful! The sleep is great, the disposition is great, the hair is great....he's just an all-around great baby!
At the end of March, on the 29th to be exact, Andrew began crawling. Shortly after that, on May 3rd to be exact, he began pulling up. This was what I found when I went to go get him from his morning nap. I was a bit surprised. Then, on May 8th to be exact, I found him brushing his teeth. Kidding....but at the rate this kid's going, he's liable to be driving by the end of the month. Oh, and speaking of teeth, he ain't got none....
Despite the lack of teeth, he's eating like a champ. I haven't found anything that he doesn't like. Oh, yeah, he wasn't too fond of asparagus, and cottage cheese took some getting used to. We'll revisit the asparagus at a later time. For now, we'll focus our efforts on broccoli and cauliflower. Yum!
Weight: 20lbs, 8oz
Height: 29 inches (I think)

His separation anxiety is in full swing, though, and that makes him a bit clingy...which kinda drives me up a wall. Having a kid hanging off of you for a good part of the day isn't all that fun....especially when the kid's got a runny nose and he insists on wiping it on your black shirt. Jacob's doing well. He's coming out of his shell more and more and is now even initiating interactions with others! Wow! This is a huge accomplishment, my friends. We're working s-l-o-w-l-y on the potting training. It seems that he's not really interested. I haven't found any candy yet that will entice him to actually pee in the potty. He'll sit on it but saves the actual peeing for the floor or couch (sorry, Nancy).

We had a rough patch a couple of days ago with Jacob being kinda aggressive to Andrew. It seems as though his class was learning how to play leap frog and Jacob was coming home and practicing on Andrew, an unwilling participant. Additionally, Jacob enjoyed throwing things at Andrew while in the car and laughing at him cry. Sounds awful, huh? It was. But that phase seems to be over, thank God. I like to think that he was just having trouble adjusting to Andrew and me being out of town for a couple of days attending a funeral. Right? Don't kids have trouble adjusting to the absence of a parent? We'll just blame his aggression on that, ok? What else can I say? Oh, we sold our house in AR and hope to get out of this giant hole of debt that we have! What a huge relief it will be to have that house and the utilities for that house off our backs (we close in June).

So, that's the past 2 months in a nutshell. Just one question: anyone up for a game of leap frog?