Lots to blog about from the weekend, so let's get started.
The weekend kicked off with a trip to the Transportation Museum to spend "A Day Out With Thomas." For those of you who don't have a train-obsessed 2-year-old, Thomas is the "Very Useful Engine" of Thomas the Train. The "Day Out With Thomas" consisted of a not-worth-the -money train ride,a tantrum-y toddler and a sweaty conductor who kept touching my 8-week-old's hands. The trip was educational, though, in that I've learned not to participate in another "A Day Out With Thomas" event.
The trip was worth it for Brian, though, because we stopped in Lexington, NC to dine at some po-dunk BBQ restaurant. He dined on BBQ, of course, and some slaw that had the appearance of raw hamburger meat. We spent much of that visit conversing with the waitress who was all-too forthcoming about her kid with apraxia (google it). Anyway, this woman had been ridden hard and put up wet, for she was only 2 years older than Brian and me but appeared to be in her early to mid-40's. But don't worry...per Brian, it was some good eatin'! Yee-Haw! Can't wait to head back to Lexington, NC at the end of October for the BBQ festival. Just can't wait!!
When we returned home, who should be waiting for us but Grandad and GrandPaula! Our days were spent running up and down the stairs, taking walks, rockin' in the recliner and playing with the trains on Jacob's train table. And, most importantly, Andrew chose to be a little bit more photogenic this weekend. Way-to-go, Andrew!
Jacob went to the movies for the first time this weekend. Can you guess the flick? Freakin' Thomas the Train. He was transfixed for the first 20 minutes of the movies; refused all offers of canny (candy), popcen (popcorn) and lemonyade (Sprite--you were thinking Lemonade, weren't ya? Fooled you! Anything other than milk and water is "lemonyade"). After that, he spent time waving at Grandad and GrandPaula, walking up and down our aisle, squealing and drinking his Sprite. He even pulled out the big guns and did his loud, fake laughing. Fortunately, there was only 1 other family in the theatre. Their kid made several loud sounds during the movie, too. It got to be kinda annoying so I shushed him and gave his parents dirty looks. Kid's gotta learn.So, that was our fun-filled weekend....We've got much to see and do in October...stay tuned!