

Monday, October 6, 2008

Some like it cold

I love the cool fall weather. Jacob dons his footy pajamas, the down comforter comes out and the windows stay up morning and night. When it's really chilly, I do make the concession and turn off the overhead fans.

Anyway, I realized that I need to keep Jacob kinda bundled up in the mornings, at least until the sun comes out and warms up our house, when I heard his 6 1/2 teeth chattering, saw him shivering and noticed that his lips were blue. So, Here's what he looks like in the a.m.

All warm and cozy with his pants, long sleeved shirt, hoodie-jacket but no socks. You've heard of Shoeless Joe Jackson? This is Sockless Jacob Simpson.

It's completely pointless to put socks on this kid. Even his school has stopped doing so. Apparently it's hilarious to pull them off. Sure wish I got as excited when taking off my socks. And Brian, with his athlete's foot...there's nothing funny about his socks. So, must be a kid-thing.

Oh, and I think it's safe to say that Dolly's walking. I mean, he doesn't do it all the time, but he does do it. So, mark 13 months as the official "He started walking" age. Not too many milestones left, huh? Potty training, starting school, driving, graduation, graduation,(he's going to be some kind of a doctor, he's already told me. maybe a vet or astronomer or podiatrist so that he can find a cure Brian's recurring athlete's foot) marrying...whoa, getting waaaaay ahead of myself. For now, we'll just focus on perfecting his walking ability (and finding the right ointment for chronic fungal infections that occur on the foot). And we'll continue to enjoy the fall chill in the air.

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