Let's begin where we left off, shall we? First, I wanted to brag about my son's balancing act. He has been practicing tirelessly and is now able to balance a Spaghetti-O on the tip of his ear!! Phenomenal! (Sorry, Julie...these are some food-on-the-mouth shots. You may want to avert your eyes.)
I know, I know! He's unstoppable with all of his feats!
Next, I think we've decided upon a Halloween costume for this year. I was inspired by this picture of Jacob sleeping:
In this video, I wanted to capture Jacob waking up. What I hadn't planned for was him initiating one of his favorite games upon awakening. He loves to throw his blankie over his head and delights in Brian or me saying, "Where's Dolly (or Friendy, Pally, Funny, Crazy-anything but Jacob)?" (Poor kid's never going to learn his name.)
Next are some bath-time pictures. Look at how impressive Brian and Jacob's hiding-the-pee-pee pose is!
Better to clean his nether regions, I guess.
And the newest of the new things that Jacob can do is crawl into the dishwasher. He loves to help load and unload dishes...and himself.
I have some footage of him walking but it's too dark to see. So, I'll have to adjust my lighting and get that to you in another post.
And finally, we have tooth #7. This explains the runny nose and trouble sleeping at night. Other than that, life is good!
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