

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My favorite picture of Jacob

This is awful, but I wanted to post this picture of Jacob. It's my absolute favorite picture of him thus far. I think it does a great job capturing his essence.
Story behind the pic: I was trying to get him to hold up this sign thanking his Grammy and Grampy for some clothes that they bought him. Each time I put this sign near him, he would scream, grab it out of my hand, crumple it and throw it down. Not sure why.

I crack up each time I see this picture! Probably because this is what I see and deal with on a regular basis. I'm a saint, I know.

1 comment:

Christy Dean said...

Why would you torture poor Jacob by making him hold a piece of paper and smile!? That is a funny picture!!!! Kids are so hard to figure out! Denny and I keep laughing because we swore our life wouldn't change when we had a baby...hmmm oh well.