I had every intention of getting this post in sooner but I seem to continue to have computer issues. First, my computer becomes kaput and then Brian's power cord runs
amok. So, here I am, several weeks later with this, my first of the monthly Andrew stats and updates.
Have I mentioned what a wonderfully sweet baby Andrew is? It's very hard not to compare your children to other children, much less your own children. I say this because Andrew, so far, couldn't be more different than his brother. Where Jacob required lots of bouncing on a red exercise ball to calm his crying, Andrew just needs to sleep or be fed. Where Jacob demanded constant attention and movement, Andrew is content to sit in his little rocker or swing and watch the world go by.
Where Jacob was difficult, Andrew is easy. And that's
ok. I don't begrudge Jacob his intensity. I do enjoy it. He reminds me of an unrefined, unpolished Brian. And I like that.
Andrew, though, has made what could be a very frustrating situation (a toddler and an infant) actually very pleasant. He's been an absolute joy.
So, here's my little mellow yellow on his 2-month birthday.
--He weighs a whopping 15lbs 6oz, placing him in the 95% for his weight. (Only weighed 10lbs 12oz 6 weeks earlier!)
--He measures 24 1/2 inches, placing him in the 90-95% for height. (Grew 2 3/4 inches in 6 weeks.)
--He's in size 2 diapers and will go up to size 3 by the next diaper buy. He wears 3-6 month clothing and has slept for up to 8 hours on a couple of occasions. Mainly, though, he sleeps in 6 hour increments. He smiles and coos and gurgles all the time, except for when he's being recorded.
--He still isn't photographing well, a trait he inherited from his father, but he is so adorable!
Here's his 1-month post:
Andrew gained over 2lbs in 2 weeks, up from 8lbs 11oz to 10lbs 12oz. His height is 21 3/4 inches.
--He's wearing size 2 diapers and is sleeping well...between 4-5 hours at night. He enjoys being held and rocked but doesn't demand these comforts. The best way to describe him at this point is content.
--Jacob enjoys giving him kwess (kisses) and hugs and will tell me how nice he's being to Andrew. So far, so good between the brothers.
I intend to continue on with these monthly posts. I find it hard to believe that it's closing in on a 3-month post. Times a'flyin'.